Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Sick days aren't for when you're sick..."

I am usually of the mind that sick days are for when you need a day off, like a mental health day. However, I am one of those people that gets sick fairly often :( So today I'm home sick with a really nasty sinus infection. But how this relates to teaching - Sub Plans

Oh, the agony of planning for a substitute, especially when you teach something they don't know anything about. None of the substitutes in our district know anything about Spanish - some even told me not to leave anything that they would have to in any way teach or instruct. So normally I plan my days off ahead of time and make sure that I have instructions printed up for the students, along with any worksheets (usually arranged into packets) for the substitute to hand out and just monitor. But alas I didn't plan on taking a sick day today. Therefore I had to decide whether I wanted to submit plans that (I hope) the substitute could handle or let him/her use my emergency plans.


Emergency plans are lessons that don't fit anywhere in the curriculum, but reflect learning in some way. For me right now, I have three emergency lessons: 1) Cultural crossword puzzle, 2) Sentence formation from a chart, and 3) writing prompts. The cultural crossword puzzle reflects the cultural questions I have my class due everyday.

But anyway, I went with writing lessons for the substitute. If he/she can't handle them, I know my partner teacher across the hall can show him/her where the emergency plans are. That's another thing - let near by teachers know where your substitute plans and emergency plans are so they can help your substitute. It's something so simple that many people forget.

Anyway I'm off to lay down. Hope you have luck with preparing plans for substitutes or making emergency plans!

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